Fun at Oaks Amusement Park for Club Impact
Club members and friends enjoyed a day of fun rides and a picnic lunch at Oaks Park.

AKA Science awarded $30,000 grant from Elemental Technologies
The $30,000 grant will be distributed over three years, coming from Elemental Technology's newly-created Community Investment Fund.

Seniors Share Perspectives on Community Issues
On April 19th, 2017, community members and organizations that provide care and resources to seniors gathered to educate the public and policy members about the realities of an aging population.

Pinwheels for Prevention: Raising Awareness about Child Abuse
Impact NW partners with local organizations to urge everyone to take action against child abuse.

We Brought the Children’s Museum to our Community
On March 9th, 2016, our Parent-Child Development Services program hosted “Bringing the Museum to the Community,” a collaborative event between Portland Children’s Museum and Impact NW.

Club Impact Celebrates 6 Years
"Last night we celebrated our 6th anniversary with pie, ice cream and participant testimonials. I had no idea how moving this would be," said Ralph Gilliam, Impact NW's volunteer who runs Club Impact.

Love is in the Air for Our Senior Client
This month, we received a touching letter from a former senior client that we wanted to share with you—just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Mayor Charlie Hales attends Impact NW’s Makerspace Reveal
Impact NW is pleased to reveal an exciting new project for manufacturing, tinkering, and inventing enthusiasts.