Программа восстановления навигации

Connection, Support, and Mentoring
The Recovery Navigation Program (RNP) provides support, planning, and connection for recovery.
You qualify if you:
- Are 18 or older
- Are NOT currently enrolled in Multomah Co. funded treatment
- Have the desire to start the process of personal change
- Reside in Multnomah County
- Meet income requirements (200 % Federal poverty level or below)
This program allows participants to CHOOSE services and providers. All services are free to participants
Call us for a program eligibility screening OR have your provider refer you!
What services are available?
Tier I:
- Peer recovery coaching
- Life skills training
- Limited short term housing
- Parent education & support
- Transportation planning
- Job search assistance and coaching
- Basic needs
- Connection to mental health services
- Connection to treatment
Tier II:
- Limited short term housing
- Transportation planning
- Basic needs
Tier II services are only available to clients engaged in Tier I services
If you’re interested in our services, please contact us!
Воздействие NW
10055 E. Burnside St. Portland, OR 97216
(503) 721-1740