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Recovery Navigation Program

Recovery Navigation Program Connection, Support, and Mentoring The Recovery Navigation Program (RNP) provides support, planning, and connection for recovery. You qualify if you: Are 18 or older Are NOT currently enrolled in Multomah Co. funded treatment Have the desire to start the process of personal change Reside in Multnomah County Meet income requirements (200 %… Continue Reading Recovery Navigation Program


Client story: Helping our neighbors stabilize and strengthen

Angelina faced a problem. Her husband had recently undergone emergency surgery. Now, he was out of work. How, Angelina worried, would they support their four children? The bills paid up. The landlord threatened eviction. Angelina was out of  options. She shared her story with Grecia, one of Impact NW’s home visitors. Grecia had been supporting… Continue Reading Client story: Helping our neighbors stabilize and strengthen


Stronger Through Partnership!

Impact NW feels privileged to benefit from the committed and ongoing support of caring volunteers in our community. This year WE Communications (WE) was selected as a winner of one of Impact NW’s Dedicated Corporate Volunteer Awards. This honor highlights the incredible service and dedication of a team of volunteers – a group that goes above and beyond to serve Impact NW’s clients and staff. Continue Reading Stronger Through Partnership!