Meet Liz Norman, SHINE Site Supervisor

Liz Norman takes a group of SHINE program students on a bowling trip.
Liz Norman has been the SHINE Site Supervisor at William Walker Elementary for the last two years. She grew up locally in Beaverton and has a Masters in Education with a certificate in early childhood mental health. Prior to working with Impact NW, she was a probation officer intern with the Multnomah County Domestic Violence unit, an AmeriCorps member, a Head Start Administrator, and a kindergarten teacher.
“Everyone at William Walker Elementary loves what we do. Our program received a Community Partnership award at the district level this year for engaging so many different organizations. We will continue to find people and partners to provide and expand our quality programming.”
Liz states that she loves working at Impact NW because “they really embody the philosophy of being the change you want to see in the world. They don’t discriminate, and embrace all kinds of people.”