AKA Science awarded $30,000 grant from Elemental Technologies
The funds will be distributed over three years, coming from Elemental’s newly-created Community Investment Fund

Susan Stoltenberg, Impact NW Executive Director; Sam Blackman, Elemental Technologies CEO; and Kim Menig, AKA Science Program Supervisor celebrate the $30,000 grant!
We are excited to announce that Elemental Technologies has presented Impact NW with a $30,000 gift, distributed over three years, to our AKA Science (All Kids Are Scientists) program! Elemental has provided volunteer support to AKA Science since 2013, and has contributed 200+ volunteer hours to the program.
AKA Science is a fun, interactive after school science program for elementary school students. Kids participate in hands-on experiments that nurture their curiosity, get them excited about science and learning, and help them explore the world around them. AKA Science currently offers 70+ classes per term at 50+ schools (primarily in the Portland Metro Area), and has provided high-caliber, engaging science experiences to more than 11,000 kids since 2004.
“I’m bowled over by Elemental’s generosity, which will make an enormous impact on our program. Especially when I think about all the ways Elemental Technologies has already made a huge impact on our program… I’m deeply, profoundly grateful,” said Kim Menig, AKA Science Program Supervisor.

Elemental formed the Elemental Community Investment Fund (ECIF) to provide a source of more sustainable, longer-term funding than is available through traditional one-time corporate giving. ECIF grants focus on non-profits based in the Portland metropolitan area that address education, hunger and the environment.
The $30,000 grant was announced at the unveiling of Elemental Technologies’ new Community Investment Fund, part of The Oregon Community Foundation, which distributes $10,000 in funding annually for three years to three Portland metropolitan area-based organizations, including Impact NW.
“We are fully aware that long-term investments made by the State of Oregon and City of Portland made Elemental possible. Now we want to make every effort possible to give back with innovative programs that, in turn, offer longer-term support for non-profits,” said Sam Blackman, CEO and co-founder of Elemental. “We are excited to take our level of community investment up a notch with the Elemental Community Investment Fund, and to support a growth path for nonprofits doing vital work. We also hope that this work inspires other startups in the region to take similar steps.”
Alongside the AKA Science program at Impact NW, LIFT Urban Portland and Depave received grants from the Elemental Community Investment Fund.
Learn more about Elemental Technologies in our April 2016 Volunteer Spotlight