Meet Julia & Anna, SUN Youth Advocacy Program Participants

SUN Youth Advocacy Program participants creating artwork at our Brentwood-Darlington Community Center.
When twin sisters Julia and Anna entered our SUN Youth Advocacy Program (formerly called Social and Support Services for Educational Success, or SSSES) program last year, they were starting kindergarten and struggling to keep up with their classmates in reading and counting skills. Over the course of the year, Impact NW staff regularly visited Julia and Anna in their home, working with them to improve their reading and math skills.
The program’s primary goal is to intervene with at-risk youth before they fall through the gaps. We do this by stabilizing their supports, social skills, and abilities. Sometimes we provide services to the entire family to ensure our students are successful. Our ‘web’ of safety net services help to keep families together, empowering them with self-confidence and resiliency.
We are proud to share that Julia and Anna are now reading, writing, and performing math at their grade level. One of their favorite activities is reading story books on their own. With the help of Impact NW, the twins will transition into first grade this fall, armed with the knowledge and tools to ensure their future academic success.