I am honored to serve as a board member for Impact NW, one of Portland’s largest and far reaching anti-poverty non-profit agencies. Over the last year, I have had the opportunity to work with other board members and staff to help Impact NW set forth its strategy for delivering services to residents of our community who… Continue Reading 认识我们的董事会成员之一:Chris Scherer
Innovative project providing short & long-term relief for the homeless to be highlighted at Power of One Luncheon event. Continue Reading 影响力NW荣誉科技公司致力于打击无家可归者
We know that getting kids interested in science matters—and we’re grateful that local tech company AWS Elemental thinks so, too! Their consistent support helps bring fun, interactive science classes to hundreds of kids in the Portland area. Continue Reading AWS Elemental继续支持AKA科学
认识我们的董事会成员之一:Chris Scherer
I am honored to serve as a board member for Impact NW, one of Portland’s largest and far reaching anti-poverty non-profit agencies. Over the last year, I have had the opportunity to work with other board members and staff to help Impact NW set forth its strategy for delivering services to residents of our community who… Continue Reading 认识我们的董事会成员之一:Chris Scherer
影响西北地区有幸从我们社区关怀志愿者的承诺和持续支持中受益。今年,WE Communications(WE)被选为Impact NW公司志愿者奖的获奖者之一。这一荣誉彰显了志愿者团队的出色服务和奉献精神 - 这个团队超越了Impact NW的客户和员工。 Continue Reading 加强伙伴关系!
Impact NW&Buckman SUN荣誉志愿者!
为了纪念国家志愿者升值月,Impact NW选择了两位杰出人士作为荣誉志愿者,公开承认他们坚定不移的承诺,精力和对Buckman小学SUN社区学校网站的贡献。 Continue Reading Impact NW&Buckman SUN荣誉志愿者!
它可以发生在任何人身上 - 杰罗姆的故事
在经历无家可归的同时努力实现稳定,往往感觉像是一份全职工作。遇到一位影响力强大的NW客户,他的坚持和决心帮助他成功。 Continue Reading 它可以发生在任何人身上 - 杰罗姆的故事
Kaiser Permanente的赠款帮助老年人茁壮成长
当老年人能够留在自己的家中时,他们就会茁壮成长,周围有一群朋友和家人。我们很高兴地宣布,来自Kaiser Permanente的慷慨的$ 15,000赠款将使我们能够继续帮助波特兰的老龄化人口茁壮成长。 Continue Reading Kaiser Permanente的赠款帮助老年人茁壮成长
Innovative project providing short & long-term relief for the homeless to be highlighted at Power of One Luncheon event. Continue Reading 影响力NW荣誉科技公司致力于打击无家可归者
二年级学生分享SHINE社区学校对华盛顿县小组的重要性。 Continue Reading 二年级学生对SHINE的重要性
我们的社区帮助我们在这个假期为有需要的人们筹集了超过80,000美元和数千件礼物和保暖衣物。感谢您支持Impact NW! Continue Reading 你对这个假期的影响(2017年度假回顾)
AWS Elemental继续支持AKA科学
We know that getting kids interested in science matters—and we’re grateful that local tech company AWS Elemental thinks so, too! Their consistent support helps bring fun, interactive science classes to hundreds of kids in the Portland area. Continue Reading AWS Elemental继续支持AKA科学
2017年即将结束时,我们认为重要的是要反思我们在工作中有多远以激发希望并赋予独立性。我们很高兴与大家分享2017年的一些最受欢迎的时刻,因为我们期待着又一个美好的一年。 Continue Reading 影响NW的2017年:我们最喜欢的时刻