Homelessness Prevention Fund
Join your neighbors and make an impact today.
The Portland region stands at a tipping point. A housing crisis has displaced thousands of our neighbors in recent years. COVID has escalated those losses and put thousands more people in jeopardy. Meanwhile, awareness is increasing about racial justice, especially for our Black community. How will we respond? Will we lose the heart and soul of our region or will we come together to support our neighbors like never before?
Impact NW’s is 100% committed to solutions that restore the livability and sustainability that the Portland region is so well known for. Our driving solution is to prevent homelessness. It’s a simple yet powerful focus. By helping people get the supports they need at the critical moment, we help them avoid a crisis. Everyone benefits, whether they realize it or not.
Raising $1 Million to Prevent Homelessness
That’s why we announced during Make Your Impact: A Virtual Event to Prevent Homelessness on Saturday, September 26th, 2020, the public phase of our Homelessness Prevention Fund.
By achieving our goal of raising $1 Million for our Homelessness Prevention Fund, we will be able to meet the increased demand for support during this challenging moment in our community. With additional aspects of the campaign, including legacy giving and a capital project, this effort is already making a massive impact for our most vulnerable neighbors.