Tag Archive for: homelessness

It Can Happen to Anyone – Jerome’s Story
Working to achieve stability while experiencing homelessness can often feel like a full-time job. Meet one Impact NW client whose persistence and determination helped him succeed.

Impact NW Honors Tech Companies Working to Combat Homelessness
Innovative project providing short & long-term relief for the homeless to be highlighted at Power of One Luncheon event.

Four myths about poverty—busted
To set the record straight on what it's like to live with financial hardships, we're busting four common myths about poverty.

A Place to Call Home: Anthony’s Story
“Impact NW was the first place that opened its doors to me as a single parent,” explained Anthony. “They’re more than a landlord—they’re your advocate, and they fight for you."

Portland’s Homelessness Epidemic (Infographic)
On any given night, 1 in 165 people in Portland is homeless. But Impact NW is creating a solution through our programs and services.