The Importance of SHINE
Second-grader shares the importance of SHINE Community Schools to Washington County Panel

SHINE second-grader Misseal and his sister Joselyn waiting to present in front of a panel of Washington County officials.
“When I came from my old school, I did not know how to read, but SHINE helped me at reading.”
Missael, a student at Kinnaman Elementary School, read from a neatly written page, speaking about his experiences at Impact NW’s SHINE Community School to a panel of Washington County representatives. Each year, Impact NW seeks support from Washington County to sustain services for students and families.
Providing support to 1,200 students and their families each year, Impact NW’s four SHINE Community Schools have offered empowering classes, academic support, and community events over the past decade. The schools are offered in schools throughout Washington County.
The brave second grader sat beside his sister, Joselin, and Jessica Beck, the SHINE Supervisor at Kinnaman Elementary. Both encouraged Missael as he spoke.
“I like SHINE because it helped me make new friends. SHINE has taught me how to respect my friends, too. It’s fun because they teach you stuff like science and there is a soccer class, too!”

Joselyn, Misseal, and Jessica Beck – SHINE Supervisor at Kinnaman Elementary
In addition to the variety of after-school classes offered to students, SHINE offers support to a growing number of families experiencing poverty—as of 2016, over 12% of families with children in Washington County were living below the poverty line. A formerly resource-rich community now finds more than half its residents in need of SNAP (formerly known as food stamps). And according to the Statewide Report Card, Beaverton School District has the highest number of homeless students.
SHINE fulfills a desperately needed resource in our community: helping children needing additional support to prepare for school, graduation, careers, and adulthood. Students like Missael demonstrate that SHINE makes an impact every day!
“SHINE has helped me a lot in my education,” Missael concluded. “Thank you to all the SHINE teachers that helped me. I hope that the SHINE program continues so that they can help other kids like me.”