
“昨晚我们用派,冰淇淋和参与者推荐庆祝了我们的6周年纪念日。我不知道这会是怎么样的动作,“运营Club Impact的Impact NW志愿者Ralph Gilliam说。 Continue Reading 俱乐部影响庆祝6年

制造之路 - Make @ Impact揭示

Impact NW很高兴地揭示了一个令人兴奋的新项目,用于制造,修补和发明爱好者。 Continue Reading 市长Charlie Hales出席了Impact NW的Makerspace Reveal

影响西北聚光灯:Andrea Ngo

认识Andrea Ngo。作为Impact NW的人力资源总监,她负责在薪资门户中设置所有具有个人资料的新员工。 Continue Reading 影响聚焦:Andrea Ngo

祝贺Impact NW志愿者Lindsay Lermo在州级成人志愿者组中获得2015年俄勒冈州州长奖。 Continue Reading Impact NW志愿者获得俄勒冈州州长志愿者奖


Tyler Oshiro ended a year as an AmeriCorps member with the AKA Science program, and now begins his career as Impact NW’s AKA Science Program Coordinator. Continue Reading 影响聚焦:泰勒大城


Meet Impact NW志愿者Michelle Welton自愿为我们的独立生活方案(ILP)提供帮助,帮助培养青年在过去四年。 Continue Reading 影响聚焦:米歇尔韦尔顿

The Jade Journal - SUN Program - 由PPS提供

Impact NW’s SUN Community School students at Harrison Park Elementary create a diverse community newspaper titled The Jade Journal. Continue Reading 玉器杂志 - 发现的声音


SUN青年倡导计划的主要目标是在面临风险的年轻人之间进行干预。通过此计划与我们的两位客户会面。 Continue Reading 影响聚焦:SUN青年倡导计划

Impact NW网站焦点:Liz Norman

Meet Liz Norman, Impact NW SHINE Site Supervisor: “I love that Impact really embodies the philosophy of being the change you want to see in the world.” Continue Reading 影响聚焦:Liz Norman