Impact NW does not sell or share personal information with third parties for marketing/promotional purposes. Your personal information is kept confidential and is not disclosed to any outside organizations, except as required by law or with your explicit consent. Sensitive information submitted to Impact NW is protected both online and offline. Protected personal information (PPI) gathered during service provision is also protected by Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties. For more information, please see HMIS Privacy & Security Notice.

Impact NW takes every precaution to protect our donors’ information. When donors submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline. We use high grade encryption and the https security protocol to communicate with your browser software. This method is the industry standard security protocol, which makes it extremely difficult for anyone else to intercept the credit card information you send to us. Companies we work with to process credit card transactions also use high grade encryption and security protocols. We are committed to the protection and privacy of all of our donors, and it is the policy of Impact NW to continually enhance our fraud protection systems and our other processes to fight identity theft.


您可能需要取消捐赠。方法如下:请联系Barbara Robertson,电子邮件转。为了获得最快的援助,请在您与我们联系时准备好交易的详细信息。

是。如果您有兴趣支持某项特定计划,例如我们为老年人提供的服务,请在标有“项目”的字段中输入该计划的名称或说明。如果您想了解有关我们服务范围的更多信息,请联系芭芭拉罗伯逊,在 或(503)988-6887分机。 238。

