AKA Science Classes and Workshops

AKA Science Classes


AKA Science (All Kids Are Scientists) is a fun, hands-on science program for students in grades K-6. A different topic is offered during most school quarters (fall, winter & spring), and 9 total topics rotate on a 3-year cycle. For each topic, there’s a version for students in grades K-3 and a version for students in grades 4-6.

• Curriculum (structured as eight 1-hour lessons, with some flexibility to be extended or condensed)
• A full kit of supplies for up to 15 students (except water and scissors, which each site provides), and
• Training of a Class Leader to facilitate the class. Each site recruits, screens, selects, and supervises its own Class Leader. Class Leaders don’t need a background in science, but prior experience working with school-aged children is recommended.

Upcoming Classes: Fun Physics Series!

Grades K-3: Color & Light – Eye Spy!

Surprise your eyes with the science of color and light! Explore crazy shadows, see the world through a bug’s eye, and make colors splash and spin! Have fun with wacky mirrors and discover how things glow…then take stuff home to amaze your friends and family!

Grades 4-6: Color & Light – Lights Alive!

Light up your world with the science of color and light! Bend mirrors, make a kaleidoscope, and explore how things glow in the dark! Build a camera obscura, break light into rainbows and uncover the secrets of 3D…then take stuff home to amaze your friends and family!


Please fill out the form below or contact Kathryn Sechrist – AKA Science Program Supervisor (ksechrist@impactnw.org or 503-721-6799).





  • “我只想说这个计划太棒了!我对课程中体贴的思想深刻印象深刻。去的路!我很高兴能够为我们学校的学生提供AKA科学。“
  • “这是学生最喜欢的一堂课。他们喜欢实验,了解正在发生的事情,并将材料带回家展示他们的家人和朋友!“
  • “感谢您为让孩子们这么有趣,为我组织起来而做的一切!”


  • “课程设计富有想象力,易于使用,孩子们真正与活动有关,并且学到了很多东西......我无法计算出这个学期有多少次有一个兴奋的孩子从桌面到桌子跑来展示并告诉他们的同学什么他们已经发现,发现或发现了。“
  • “这些材料非常容易使用,课程很有趣,学生们也参与其中。”
  • “课程创造了一个强烈鼓励批判性思考和解决问题的环境,并增强了我们班的孩子们的信心。
  • “动手!这是AKA科学计划的最佳部分。科学概念通过实用,有趣和实用的方式分解成可理解的信息花絮。我将在未来教授任何AKA科学课程:培训非常棒,年轻人期待着课堂,每个人都走开,学习新的东西。“