AKA Science…Because 一个二 ķIDS 一个回覆 Scientists
AKA科学 (一个二 ķIDS 一个科学家) is a fun, hands-on science program for elementary & middle school students. 孩子们参与实验,培养他们的好奇心,并帮助他们探索周围的世界。
AKA Science使用基于探究的活动来让孩子们对学习兴奋。 In the past school year, AKA Science offered more than 200 classesand that served approximately 2,000 kids in northwest Oregon.
The AKA Science package includes field-tested curriculum, interactive instructor training, and a kit full of supplies to bring the curriculum to life. 该计划基于州立和国家标准以及课后科学计划的最佳实践。这种模式使得该计划在各种学校和社区设置中取得成功。
The AKA Science curriculum rotates on a 3-year cycle, with 9 topics that include physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, engineering, environmental science, and forensic science. Students get to take home many of the supplies they use in class, reinforcing what they’ve learned by sharing experiments with family and friends.
AKA Science is passionate about making hands-on science accessible to as many Oregon students as possible. AKA科学支持Impact NW通过为所有学生提供高质量的丰富机会来“平等竞争”。
AKA科学提高学生的自信心,协作和批判性和创造性思维。 Science matters—but AKA Science is about much more than science. AKA Science students work together in teams to create, explore, observe and analyze. Based on recent data, 78% of students respond positively to the post-survey question, “I like learning new things.”
- AKA科学解决关键的公平问题。 STEM的职业生涯代表了一个日益增长的生活工资工作领域。然而,2013年的一份报告显示,整个国家,特别是俄勒冈州,科学课堂教学时间正在减少。通过与50多所学校合作(并计数!),AKA科学填补了至关重要的教育空白。
- AKA Science targets students at a critical age (elementary and early middle school). Research shows that students’ interest in future science careers—or lack thereof—develops by a young age.
- AKA科学使科学可访问和邀请。 Research shows that students’ enjoyment of science often predicts career aspirations, especially for girls.
- AKA Science transforms after-school time into a dynamic learning opportunity. Research shows that students’ “science identities” are often influenced by out-of-school experiences. Informal science learning experiences are pivotal, especially for historically underrepresented groups.
“AKA科学对我来说很重要,因为我们可以做很棒的,有趣的事情,以及我们在课堂或其他时间无法做到的研究。它可以帮助我分散注意力,避免其他事情或担忧。“ - 伊迪丝,AKA科学学生
“我喜欢AKA科学,因为它具有娱乐性和实用性。如果我不在这里,我会在家玩游戏或看电视。这个俱乐部教会了我一些非常有趣和有趣的新东西!“ - Kai,AKA科学学生
“我认为AKA科学是最好的,因为我们可以制作出很酷的东西,学习更多更酷的科学知识!我想我们每个人都是科学家。“ - Mark,AKA科学学生
“AKA科学很棒!我喜欢课后让老师让我们有材料/项目。当我回家时,我总是向我的小弟弟展示我在课堂上做了什么。他总是问我他是否可以进去。我很想看到年轻的孩子对AKA科学感兴趣,因为我希望他们能像我一样学习乐趣。“ - AKA科学学生
“我真的很喜欢AKA科学。这非常有趣,我学到了很多东西。我正在学习地球,岩石和龙卷风和地震等自然灾害。而在冬天,我们做了取证!我们了解了侦探和追踪证据。这些活动也非常有趣。这就是为什么我喜欢AKA科学。“ - 百万富翁,AKA科学学生