Our annual Veteran’s Day event, Impact Kits, brought together more than 100 volunteers to build and distribute kits of much-needed supplies to our fellow community members experiencing homelessness. Continue Reading Human Connection: Impact Kits 2019

Impact NW has named a new Deputy Director as it focuses on its new mission of preventing homelessness.  Continue Reading Impact NW Appoints New Deputy Director

Impact NW is grateful to Bank of America for its support and generous donations to provide individuals and families with basic needs such as housing. Continue Reading Partner Highlight: Bank of America

This short video highlights the work of Impact NW’s CORE program, which supports young adults in cultivating job readiness and acquiring the skills necessary to attain gainful employment. Continue Reading تسليط الضوء على برنامج CORE

Check out this gorgeous short film from Person People, highlighting Impact NW program participant Keia Henry’s story of cultivating resilience and strength in partnership with Impact NW. Continue Reading قصة كيا

Andy Nelson will step into the role of Executive Director for Impact NW. Jeff Cogen has decided to leave after fulfilling his promise of returning Impact NW back to financial health. Continue Reading التأثير على NW تعيين آندي نيلسون مديرا تنفيذيا جديدا

During the month of February, AWS Elemental brought employees to our Dancing Tree Resource Center to build science kits for Impact NW’s AKA Science (All Kids Are Scientists) program, which provides provide fun, hands-on, interactive science education curriculum and materials to over 50 schools in the Portland area. Continue Reading AWS Elemental تصنع مجموعات العلوم لدعم الفرص التعليمية لبرامج شباب Impact NW

Last week, through our Independent Living Program (ILP), Impact NW honored Black History month by hosting a life skills event specifically tailored to commemorating and educating youth about black history. Continue Reading تأثير NW يكرم شهر التاريخ الأسود

سوف تكشف Impact NW عن خطتها الإستراتيجية الجديدة وهوية علامتها التجارية في مأدبة غداء سنوية مدتها ساعة واحدة يوم 27 فبراير 2019 في فندق Sentinel. ستسلط مأدبة الغداء الضوء على التزام Impact NW المتجدد بمنع التشرد. Continue Reading نشرة صحفية: مأدبة غداء السنوية لعام 2019

Angelina faced a problem. Her husband had recently undergone emergency surgery. Now, he was out of work. How, Angelina worried, would they support their four children? The bills paid up. The landlord threatened eviction. Angelina was out of  options. She shared her story with Grecia, one of Impact NW’s home visitors. Grecia had been supporting… Continue Reading قصة عميل: مساعدة جيراننا على الاستقرار والتقوية